Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two weeks to go!

My process behind creating the history timeline of electric cars: I laid out the entire history from 1832-2010 and assigned a positive or negative arrow to each year based on whether that year was a step forward or backwards from the adoption of electric cars. Then I assigned colors to each positive/negative aspect. Once I begin putting all my designs in Flash, the viewer will be able to roll over the bigger numbers seen below and an image would pop up of what the text is speaking about.

My process behind the electric vehicle specs section of the website.

The portion of the website that connects to Madiha's "Activate" package, in which the viewer would receive more information about electric vehicles, and a t-shirt!
We are now working everything off a grid based off 30 degree angles, to tie into our idea of shifting perspectives (aka encouraging the audience to think differently and take on different perspectives about the cars they drive). This will be applied to everything I posted above, I just haven't finished it yet. Plus I'm getting to do all sorts of cool stuff with typography in time! Imagine those words flying onto your screen...

For example, here are the new website buttons I made based on the 30 degree grid.

Preliminary designs for Vertices, the undergraduate research journal for Duke University, that I am working on with a group of student designers led by our professor. The final designs will be sent out after Thanksgiving and Duke will print 2,000 copies! The "V" masthead was designed by another student in the group, Justin LaRosa.

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